Independent family
Funeral Services
At C.E. Fuller & Co, we offer a wide variety of funeral services at the highest standards. We have been serving our local community since 1915, and are proud to deliver a sensitive level of care to our clients.
Core Services
Cremation & Direct Cremation
We can arrange a funeral at the crematorium of your choice, with the flexibility of a service elsewhere, taking place before or after the cremation.
Ashes can be scattered or interred in the Gardens of Remembrance at the crematorium, or interred in a churchyard or cemetery. We would be pleased to explain the options available to you and to make the necessary arrangements.
If you are seeking a Direct Cremation, rather than a funeral, please read through our information at
We can arrange a burial in a cemetery or churchyard, anywhere in the UK where space is available, subject to the necessary permissions. Our arrangers are always pleased to advise and assist you.
Natural, ‘Green’ and Woodland Burials
Services can be conducted in approved natural burial grounds. We can conduct full burials, ash interments and scatterings in a natural setting. We have a wide range of environmentally friendly and biodegradable coffins and urns.
Coffin Choice
We offer a wide range of traditional, eco-friendly and contemporary coffins, as well as a selection of American style caskets.
Funeral Conductors
We have a team of trained and experienced gentleman and lady funeral conductors. If you have a preference, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your wishes.
Private Chapel
Our Chapel of Rest is open during normal working hours. Please notify us in advance of intended visits so that any arrangements can be made. Outside normal working hours, visits are available by appointment.
Funeral Vehicles
We are able to supply a fleet of chauffer driven limousines and hearses for your comfort. It is recommended to book the limousines in advance, especially if the funeral cortege is large or travelling a long way. This will alleviate the worry of driving on the day of the funeral and will help to ensure that other road users give way where possible.
Need Further Information?
If you wish to discuss any of our services in greater depth, please feel free to get in touch.
Additional Services
Specialist Funeral Vehicles
We can supply a Victorian horse-drawn funeral carriage, with matched pairs of Fresian horses following a mourning carriage, if required. Other vehicles, including motor bikes, camper vans and Land Rover hearses can be arranged upon request.
Distance Funerals
As well as being able to arrange funerals in any part of the United Kingdom. We are also experienced at arranging funerals to and from other countries. Our funeral arrangers are conversant with government regulations and the documentation required.
We strongly recommend embalming, particularly if you wish to visit the Chapel of Rest or if the deceased is to be received into church or taken home prior to the funeral. Our funeral arrangers will discuss this with you and will be pleased to provide further information.
Newspaper Notices
We would be pleased to compile obituary notices for local and national newspapers, and will arrange for the placement of these on your behalf.
Printed Service Sheets
We can print Orders of Service for any funeral service. Printed in a booklet format, we offer a wide choice of borders and print styles, and we will be pleased to create a bespoke design on request. We can also personalise them with photographs in black and white or colour. It is essential that we receive instructions as early as possible to ensure that they are approved before the service.
We find that many people find comfort in the symbolism of a dove release following a funeral, and will happily arrange this for you. We can arrange for more doves according to your requirements.
For your convenience, floral tributes may be sent to our funeral home on the day of the funeral. These will then be placed in position on the hearse. If requested, we will prepare a keepsake list of the floral tributes.
Keepsakes & Memorial Jewellery
We offer a wide range of keepsakes and memorial jewellery, which can incorporate a small amount of cremated remains, a lock of hair or a fingerprint of your loved one. Please ask for more information.
Bereavement Register
The Bereavement Register is a service which aims to reduce the amount of unsolicited mail sent to those who have died, and minimise any distress and upset that unwanted mail can cause at this difficult time. This is a free service and we will be happy to complete registration on your behalf.
Donations in memory of your loved one can be made on our in memory pages. We offer a personalised online ‘In-Memory’ page option, which may include photographs, a life story and service details as well as the opportunity to leave messages of condolence and charity donations. We collect donations for six weeks from the date of the funeral, after which time we will forward the donations to the chosen charity.
We will write to whoever has arranged the funeral to advise them of the overall total collected, along with the names of the donors. We will also send any cards or letters received.
Charges & Payment Options
Funeral Charges
Details of our charges are available on our Pricing and Legal page, and a full estimate can be provided without obligation and in the strictest confidence.
Fees & Disbursements
We make all payments to third parties (Clergy, Crematorium or Cemetery, Doctors, Newspapers etc) as required, and will include these on our invoice to you in an itemised format.
Prepaid Funerals
For those looking to ease the burden of worry, we offer a service for prepaid funerals. By preparing in advance, you protect yourself from any adjustments in cost and relieve much of the pressure of organising the funeral.
Credit Cards
All major credit and debit cards are accepted for payment for funeral and memorial expenses.
Payment Assistance
Subject to your personal circumstances, help may be available which could enable you to obtain a contribution from the Social Fund towards funeral costs. Please contact us for more information.
More Information
If you wish to discuss any of our services in greater depth, please feel free to contact us.